Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grow up

Grow up!!

I never liked this gate agent from the moment I met her but since she works in my home base I deal with it and only talk to her when I have too. Until last Monday, she was working my flight and everything was going smoothy.  One of the last passengers to board came on with a picture frame in a box.  The box was too wide for the overhead bin and since he was in the bulkhead, I needed to find a place for it.  He told me his mother had passed away and this picture was very important.  Say no more, I completely understand.  There was another agent in the jet bridge checking bigger bags since we had no more space in the overhead.  I asked him to gate check this item so the passenger could have it back and not have to go to baggage claim.   The agent in the jet bridge was new and so he asked the agent boarding the flight at the gate if he could do that.  She said no we can't but clearly on the valet tag it says oversized pictures/frames.  However she still said no, which wasn't nice.  I ended up moving the passenger so the frame could fit underneath the seat in front of him.  I had to the agent in the jet bridge that we can gate check frames.  After that we closed the door and left.

Yesterday I got a phone call from my base manager.  She said she had gotten a complaint from a gate agent about how unprofessional I was.  Her letter said I had called her a bitch in front of passengers and stowed the picture frame in the bathroom.  First of all, how does she know what I said she was at the gate the entire time and never came down to the plane.  She turned me in base on what the other agent that was in the jet bridge had told her.  I am not sure why this guy would twist the story around but he is a new agent and with this attitude he won't last long.  So now the station manager and my supervisor think the agent and I should have a meeting to work our feelings out.  Here's the deal, I don't like this agent and I never will.  But I will work with her as I am suppose to do.  She is a big mouth tattle tale as far as I am concerned.  If she wanted the truth she should have come to me and ask me if this was true.  Grow up, if you have a problem with someone work it out with that person, don't be a tattle tale!  I have to remind myself sometimes that I am not in grade school anymore, even though it feels like it!

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